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Sylvanus Thayer, Hall of Fame of Great Americans at New York University, 1966

Sylvanus Thayer, Hall of Fame of Great Americans at New York University, 1966

Lecroart_FeuxDeTirailleursMauser_combo.jpg Lecroart, Jean, L_Hygiene, 1908.JPG Leplae, Charles Leplae, Congo Vici.jpg SOM#005-combo~0.jpg Lagriffoul, Flora Tristan-rev-small-~0.jpg Lesot, Claude, Hans Holbein, 1965-combo.jpg Jourdain, 1905.JPG Leplae, Brussels International Expostion, 1958-rev-small.jpg Johnson, Stefano, 30th Anni. Italian Resistance, 1943-44-combo.jpg