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Woodrow Wilson, Hall of Fame of Great Americans at New York University, 1950

Woodrow Wilson, Hall of Fame of Great Americans at New York University, 1950

Lucchesi, Bruno, Love and Live, SOM92, 1972-combo.jpg Koehler_DeathOfFuerstBismarck_combo.jpg Kirkwood, Alexander, Calcedonian Challenge Shield, 1863-combo.jpg Lamourdedieu_L_Alimentation_R_combo.jpg Lefeure,_Julien,_Belgian_Olympics-Related_Medal-combo.jpg SOM-Bicentennial-combo~0.jpg Jovine,_Marcel,_Brookgreen_Gardens,_1984-combo~1.jpg Lagos, A., Colonia for the Chronically Ill and Convalescents in Buenos Aires, 1927-combo.jpg Lubary_ProAdolescentia_combo.jpg