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In Memory of 225 Years of Existence of the Academy of Fine Arts of Vienna

In Memory of 225 Years of Existence of the Academy of Fine Arts of Vienna

Monjo, Enrique, 150th Anniversary of the First National City Bank, 1962-rev-small.jpg McKenzie_R__Tait.jpg Manfrini_1975VaticanHolyYearMedal_combo.jpg Martin_Conseil-GenDesBouches-du-Rhone_combo.jpg Mullner_Josef_Zum_Dedachtnis_des_225_Jahrig_Bestandes_1917.jpg Mauger_Justice&Commerce_R_combo.jpg Olszewska-Borys_KingJanKazimierz&Cloister_combo.jpg Koszalin, Prince Kazimierz I Odnowiciel (1038-1058)-combo.jpg SOM#035-combo.jpg