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Soccer Medal
Reverse by Henri Dubois

Soccer Medal

Reverse by Henri Dubois

De_Bremaecker,_A_LA_GLOIRE_DE_LA_TELGRAPHIE_SANS_FIL_,__La_Societe_Hollandaise_Belge_des_Amis_de_la_Medaille_d_Art,_1912.jpg Dropsy, Henri, Centenaire de la Foundation de Pont-A-Mousson, 1956-combo~0.jpg Devreese, Centenary of Brazil Independence, 1922-obv-small~0.jpg Dammann, Feriam Sidera-combo.jpg Fraisse, Soccer Medal-combo.jpg Dupagne_Kilo-Moto_Gold_Mine.jpg Dupagne_Liberation_of_Belgium)_1944.jpg Dupagne, Belgian Congo-obv-small.jpg Dubois, Fernand, Expostion for copper and bronze objects in city of Dinant Belgium, 1903-combo.jpg