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SOM#042, Cecil Howard, Peace is Life - War is Death, 1950
[b]From the collection of John Birks[/b]

[i]Number Issued:  842 Bronze[/i]
Keywords: SOM

SOM#042, Cecil Howard, Peace is Life - War is Death, 1950

From the collection of John Birks

Number Issued: 842 Bronze

World Chess Championships, 1986, 38 mm, Struck.jpg Rau,_Centennial_of_the_Royal_Music_Conservatory_of_Belgium_,_1932.jpg Kaufman,_Mico,_21st_FIDEM_Congress,_50th_Anniversary_of_FIDEM.jpg SA Leopard.jpg Lecroart, Jean, Ariane.jpg Turlan_1985NewYear_sMedallion_combo.jpg BEGINNING, 2004, 120 mm, Brass.jpg Rodin_Adam_2_small.jpg C-08_Copper.jpg