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#38, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Lantz, Sr. (Elected 1915), by Michael Lantz, 1965

#38, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Lantz, Sr. (Elected 1915), by Michael Lantz, 1965

Devreese, Centenary of Brazil Independence, 1922-obv-small.jpg Geerts, Intl. Prehisotric Archeology and Anthropology Congress, Brussels, 1872-combo.jpg Contaux_G__Woman_with_Cornucopias_of_Fruit_Flowers_and_Grain.jpg Dubois, Paul, Ville de Mons-combo.jpg Becker,_Archery-combo.jpg Allouard,_Pour_La_France,_Pour_L_Humanite.jpg Lamourdedieu_L_Alimentation_R_combo.jpg Pilsudski kopia.jpg Wiener,_Cathedral_at_Bamberg,_1861.jpg