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Society of Medalists Issue No. 56, Creator of Universe - Creator of Man, 1957
[b]From the collection of John Birks[/b]
Keywords: gay

Society of Medalists Issue No. 56, Creator of Universe - Creator of Man, 1957

From the collection of John Birks

Doumenc,_Eugene-Baptiste,_Artemis,_uniface.jpg Exbryat,_Association_des_Petits_Fabricants_et_Inventeurs_Francaise.jpg DeLaPeruta&Liras-6Sept1930_combo.jpg Duvivier_Benajmin_Peace_of_Campo_Formio_1797.jpg Dantzell_RecoiningBronze_combo.jpg Doumenc,_E_,_Artemis-obv.jpg DePuymarin_Jeton-BestWishes_combo.jpg Dupuis, Daniel, 1900-combo.jpg Daniel-Dupuis,_L_Accord_Parfait,_1884.jpg