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Society of Medalists Issue No. 98, Dawn and Dusk, 1978
[b]From the collection of John Birks[/b]

Society of Medalists Issue No. 98, Dawn and Dusk, 1978

From the collection of John Birks

Mattei_Harp_combo.jpg Nyborg_GreenlandEagle_combo.jpg Mascaux,_C_,__Aviation-combo.jpg Olgar, R. -Z, Swedish Archery Medal, 1941-small~0.jpg Michaux_StGillesSchool-25thAnniv_combo.jpg Circle of Friends #03-combo.jpg Mercie_LaFraterniteDesArtistes_obv.jpg Mouroux,_Anie,_Franklin_D__Roosevelt.jpg 74_Saint_Gaudens~0.jpg