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Brussels World Exposition, 1919
Quote from Goethe which later became a motto of the White Rose, a non violent resistance group against Nazi Germany.

Brussels World Exposition, 1919

Quote from Goethe which later became a motto of the White Rose, a non violent resistance group against Nazi Germany.

Blin,_E_,_Saint_Georges.jpg Charles_C_Ville_de_Cambrai.jpg Berardo,_Vasco,_Nativity,_1978-combo.jpg Coeffin,_Bull.jpg Coudray, Flore2.jpg Barber,_Charles,_U_S__Mint,__Cyrus_Field_Congressional_Medal-combo.jpg Charpentier,_SOMMET_DE_LA_TOUR_EIFFEL_-_SOUVENIR_DE_L_ASCENSION.jpg Cardell,_Christian,__Gutzon_Borglum_(Mt__Rushmore_Sculptor).jpg Coudray,_L_hymne_à_la_nature.jpg