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Society of Medalists Issue No. 108, George Balanchine, 1983
[b]From the collection of John Birks[/b]

Society of Medalists Issue No. 108, George Balanchine, 1983

From the collection of John Birks

Levi-P_TessinIndependence100th_combo.jpg Jensen,_Gunnar,_Hieronymus_Georg_Zeuthen-combo.jpg Joly,_R_,_Medal.jpg Lefebvre_ArgentineIndependence100th_combo.jpg Lefebvre_ParisPlaque_combo.jpg Lamourdedieu, Vienne Grocers Syndicate Award Medal, 1926-combo.jpg Lateur, Karl, West Flanders, 1930-obv.jpg Kinsburger_GoddessesVictory&Bounty_combo.jpg Johnson, Stefano, Nature and Arts, ca. 1900-combo.jpg