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Henry Ward Beecher, Hall of Fame of Great Americans at New York University, 1964

Henry Ward Beecher, Hall of Fame of Great Americans at New York University, 1964

Lenoir, La Fumeuse, ca. 1931.jpg SOM#005-combo~0.jpg Legastelois, Labor Omnia Vincit, 1903-combo.jpg Lauer_WWI-BreadDistribution_combo.jpg Loos_RoyalKoenigsbergShootingFestivalAwd_combo.jpg SOM#007-combo~0.jpg SOM#092-combo~0.jpg #32__Ulysses_Simpson_Grant_(Elected_1900),_by_Thomas_H__Jones,_1963~0.jpg Lecroat, J., Bruxelles Port, Friends of the Medal, 1909-combo.jpg