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Correia, Joaquim, Centenary of the Death of Portuguese Sculptor António Soares dos Reis, 1989
Bronze, 80 mm, 270 g

Obverse:  António Soares dos Reis

Reverse:  Sculpture "Desterrado"

Correia, Joaquim, Centenary of the Death of Portuguese Sculptor António Soares dos Reis, 1989

Bronze, 80 mm, 270 g

Obverse: António Soares dos Reis

Reverse: Sculpture "Desterrado"

Vannier,_P_,_Summer_Olympics,_1906-obv-small.jpg Devreese,_Belgian_Red_Cross,_1926-combo.jpg ME-6_Brass.jpg JAB_23A.jpg Correia_Soarres_dos_Reis-blue-combo-small.jpg DSCN2658.JPG c28_wm.jpg Green, Nadia, The Empty Room-small.jpg Baudichon, Anniversary Medal-obv-small.jpg