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Frederick the Great, 1830
[b]From the collection of Mark Kaiser[/b]

Reverse by Cristoph Carl Pfeuffer

Frederick the Great, 1830

From the collection of Mark Kaiser

Reverse by Cristoph Carl Pfeuffer

Lamer_Hygiene_obv.jpg Lauer_Hindenburg80thRBT_combo.jpg Lauer_1926NuernbergGermanArmy-NavyDay_combo.jpg Lubary_ProAdolescentia_combo.jpg Loos-G&Pfeuffer-C_Frederick-II_combo.jpg Circle of Friends#02-combo~0.jpg SOM#010-combo~0.jpg Johnson, Stefano, Nature and Arts, ca. 1900-combo.jpg Lauer&Strobel_Prussia1888WilhelmIIAccession_combo.jpg