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John Paul Jones, Hall of Fame of Great Americans at New York University, 1968

John Paul Jones, Hall of Fame of Great Americans at New York University, 1968

Lauer_1892ColumbianExpoMedal_combo.jpg Lauer_WWI-BreadDistribution_combo.jpg #38,_Oliver_Wendell_Holmes,_Lantz,_Sr__(Elected_1915),_by_Michael_Lantz,_1965~0.JPG Sorrain, J., Yvonne Vieslet, 1908-1918--obv-small~0.jpg Koehler_DeathOfFuerstBismarck_combo.jpg Lindberg-E_AdolfLindberg_combo.jpg Lenoir,_P_,_Tourist_Office_Union~0.jpg Legastelois, Capitaine Georges Guynemer, 1917-obv.jpg Jeuffroy and Denon, Anticipated Napoleon defeat of England, Hercules defeating Antaeus, milk glass, 1806.jpg