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Anatomia del Corazon (Anatomy of the Heart), after the painting by Enrique Simonet
This medal commemorates a new pharmaceutical introduced by Merck, Sharp and Dohme.
Keywords: Cabral Antunes medicine pharmaceutical

Anatomia del Corazon (Anatomy of the Heart), after the painting by Enrique Simonet

This medal commemorates a new pharmaceutical introduced by Merck, Sharp and Dohme.

Brenner_Dedication_of_the_United_Engineering_Society_Building__New_York_City.jpg Barber,_Charles_Edward,_Wright_Brothers,_1909.jpg Bovy,_A_,_Napoleon_in_Exile_at_St__Helene-combo.jpg Caque_Henri-IV_combo.jpg BRITO_J_J_Movifil_L_Effort.jpg Cochet, R., Federation Nationale de la quincaillerie fers metaux-combo.jpg Chaplain_Napoleon_III_Paris_Expos_1867-rev.jpg Charpentier,_Aldexandre-Louis-Marie,_Paul_Ferdinand_Segond_,_1905.jpg Coudray, Flore2.jpg